Bringing Educational Resources to Construction

ABC Workforce Development

Our Mission

ABC is dedicated to connecting the construction community with viable educational resources to further increase working relationships, productivity, and culture.

Construction Industry

About Workforce Development

ABC Nevada’s Workforce Development Committee is dedicated to providing creative ways of helping our community. From speaker luncheons, roundtable discussions, Rising Leaders program, networking events and community outreach. Now we introduce our online library filled with reputable educational resources to support you wherever you’re at and whenever you need it.


Communication is one of the most important characteristics in relationships. From family, spouses, and colleagues, communication is the foundation to healthy bonds. Lack of communication in any area of life can cause many complications from suffering revenue to resentful attitudes. Effective communication creates strong bonds with people that have shown increased team dynamics that ultimately improve every area of life. There are many forms of communication that are worth mastering that will help your organization. This category of workforce development focuses on communication with colleagues, communication with clients, communication for leaders, and communication in writing & speaking. From understanding emotional intelligence to learning how to send a well written email, you will learn valuable skills to sharpen your communication in the workforce.

Time Management

In the most general sense, time management is the art of effectively organizing and planning your time. Productivity and efficiency are increased when tasks and objectives are properly distributed into a schedule. This requires a certain amount of organization and awareness of the importance and necessity of each task to which time is allocated.

In a broader sense, time management means consciously choosing how to allocate our most valuable resource, which is our time.This requires that we look at time not just logically, but also emotionally. To do this, we need to be able to ask ourselves how we can use our time in a way that makes our life and our work meaningful. By establishing our “big picture” goals, we can then begin to prioritize our tasks in terms of urgency, importance, and significance.

This page includes various approaches, theories, and tools that can help individuals and organizations improve their time management and increase their ROTI (Return on Time Investment).

Managing Jobs vs Managing People

It's worthwhile to make a distinction between managing work and managing people. Managing work is actually pretty easy; it's mostly a question of being organized and of keeping on top of deadlines. In today's environment, though, you rarely have the luxury of simply managing work; you have to manage people as well. Managers who step into a management role thinking that it's just a question of getting the work done are riding for a fall; you have to be prepared to deal with the people side of things as well.

Training Programs

Incorporating training programs into your workforce can significantly enhance the overall health and happiness of your company. By investing in employee development, you empower your team to acquire new skills, improve existing ones, and stay updated with industry trends. This not only boosts job satisfaction but also increases productivity and efficiency. Additionally, training programs focused on wellness initiatives can promote physical and mental well-being, leading to reduced stress levels, fewer absences, and higher employee retention rates.

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Problem-solving and decision-making are fundamental skills in both personal and professional contexts. Problem-solving involves identifying, analyzing, and solving issues or challenges that arise, while decision-making involves choosing between alternative courses of action. Effective problem-solving typically follows a structured approach, such as defining the problem, generating potential solutions, evaluating those solutions, and implementing the best one. Both processes are essential for navigating projects, building teams, and company growth.

Creating Company Culture

The 3 C’s of creating company culture are culture, consistency, and communication. Business culture refers to the set of behavioral and procedural norms that can be observed within a company. This includes policies, procedures, ethics, values, employee behaviors, goals, and code of conduct. It also makes up the “personality” of a company and defines the work environment. What do you want your company culture to look like? Click any of the categories on this page to access our preferred resources.

Meet Our Team

Associated Builders & Contractors

Stacey hine

Director of Workforce Development

Martin Harris Construction

Jason Fredrich

Committee Chair

SR Construction

Kristina Mitchell

Committee Co-Chair

Martin Harris Construction

Ralph Cornwell

Committee Member

Martin Harris Construction

Robert Schenck

Committee Member

Hirschi Companies

Paul Schwarz

Committee Member

Jeremie Eubank

ASAI Roofing

Committee Member

Martin Harris Construction

Darian Coats

Committee Member

Emily Dages

Hirschi Companies

Committee Member

Mike Winder

Capital Glass

Committee Member

Jessica Fortin

People Ready

Skilled Trades

Committee Member

Architect or Engineer Working in Office with Blueprints

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